The only obvious difference in the new Panther jersey is that it includes the new logo on the sleeves (the new logo is at right in this side-by-side comparison).

Here's a picture of the Panthers' "new" Nike jersey -- the black jersey with Cam Newton's number -- now available for pre-order for $100 in men's sizes.
The Panthers this week -- along with the 31 other NFL teams -- have started to accept pre-orders on new jerseys made by new NFL jersey supplier Nike. The orders don't actually ship until around April 26th, which is the first day of the NFL draft, but you can order them now online at the Panthers' website or the NFL.com website if you've just been aching to do so.
But as we've talked about before in this blog, I think that unless you're dead set on having that slightly tweaked new Panther logo on the sleeves or just love seeing the Nike swoosh, you can easily get by with wearing your old jersey. There's just not much difference. To paraphrase the old rock band The Who: Meet the new jerseys, the same as the old jerseys.
Well, there is one key difference -- these cost more. The old Reebok jerseys were $85 for the basic model. These are $100 for men's sizes, according to the Panthers' website -- women's jerseys are $95 and youth jerseys are $70. (Those old Reebok jerseys, incidentally, are now $42.50 on the Panthers' website, but you won't find any Cam Newton ones among them).
One mistake I think has been made: the initial offering on Panthers.com for the Nike "Game" jerseys only includes Newton (No.1), Jonathan Stewart (No.28) and DeAngelo Williams (No.34) for men's sizes (and then Newton only for women's sizes).
What, no Steve Smith? (Smith is available in men's sizes on nflshop.com, however, in both white and black jersey colors -- thanks to several alert readers for telling me this.)
Smith is only the greatest player and the leading touchdown scorer in Panther history. Smith's No.89 is available in $70 youth jerseys right now on the team website for pre-order, however, and his number will be available in the $100 men's jersey version in July on Panthers.com (again, it's available on nflshop.com right now). I know a lot of people own Smith's No.89 already, but still.... I think Smith should have been available in the first batch on the team site.
For the folks who just have to have sewn-on letters and numbers, the Nike "Elite" jersey is available for a cool $250 and is only available in Cam Newton's No.1 at this time.
So what do you think? Are you going to buy one of these new $100 jerseys, stick with what you've got or do something else entirely?
why do grown men wear jerseys ?
the new logo is a little perverse i think, look at the mouth. haha
And I thought I was the only one that wasn't blown away by the new jersey at the unveiling.
I wore my Jimmy Clausen jersey to the Bucs game. I think I was the only one in the stadium wearing one - including Jimmy Clausen.
I'll wait till they go on sale at Belk.
You can get an authentic (stitched) for $50 if you know the right people.
First off, the "Keep Pounding" letters are in the inside collar, so the new logo and swoosh aren't the ONLY differences....
That being said, $100 is phenomenally too much. I remember balking when Reebok upped theirs to $85 from $70. That's a pretty significant price jump in the last few years. I know Nike probably spent the GDP of a small nation to acquire the NFL license, but that doesn't mean the consumer should pay for it. That's the sunk cost Nike assumes when buying essentially a protracted investment in NFL gear. It will pay off for them, but what the heck, that doesn't mean we should front the cost for their decision.
i'll buy a new hornets jersey if we get those here.
You can get stitched "authentic" jerseys online for about 20 bucks.
@Anon, why do grown men wear Jimmy Buffet tshirts, or polos? Why do (presumably) grown men care what other people wear? I have a few jerseys. I wear them on game day here in AL to show support of my team when I can't be in the stadium. That's why I do it. Why do people need to make an issue of what other people wear?
None of that crap is worth the money they charge for it- but the masses keep on buying it-
Anonymous 10:40 / 11:08,
If you have to ask then you will never understand the answer so why bother to give one?
It is actually a different material. Nike for one makes a much better material than reebok.
If you look at the pictures, the jersey isnt fully mesh like the reebok ones. I think these jerseys will be better made that is why they cost more. But we will see on the quality when we get our hands on one.
I'll have to get one of those Cam Newton jerseys since he'll be on the cover of Madden this year...
A grown man wearing the jersey of another grown man is a bit gay. A girlfriend wearing the jersey of her boyfried, I get that. Do not understand the man crush thing. Plenty of other Panther paraphenalia out there.
I like wearing my Duke football and basketball jerseys! Go DUKE!!
To the people stating that you shouldn't wear a players jersey: What?!? Homophobic and don't understand sports? It's called supporting your team and having fun. Why do you have to try to kill peoples fun... So, under your "logic" I should not listen to or like male singers? Dang, there goes my Lynyrd Skynyrd collection.
Also to the Econ geniuses out there. I've bought two jerseys over the 18 year existence of the Panthers. First was around $60 and the other was $50 Cam jersey on sale at Belks. Even if I bought both for $100 I have used them for 18 years and they would've cost me a total $11.11 per year and diminishing. How many polos at $60s a pop have you bought in that same time frame?
I'll opt for a Panthers polo to wear at games. At 57 it doesn't matter what number I would wear, I'm not getting in the game.
Honestly, people who don't understand why grown men wear jerseys don't understand what fan support is, and probably aren't true sports fans anyway. They are the ones that go to sporting events or concerts for that matter and sit down like they are watching a movie.
About 12 years ago, I got a Panthers jersey from nfl.com with my high school number and my name on the back. It cost $10 extra at that time, but I knew I'd never be traded or leave in free agency. I need a black jersey, so maybe I'll get another one, but it'll also be personalized.
Rather than spend any money on a new Nike jersey, three days ago I dropped the cash for a reduced Reebok one from the leftover batch. I'd rather spend $30 (I'm a gal who can rock a kids XL) than $70... Enough said.
Sad. An opportunity to really make the change work with a new jersey and they screw it up by offering a hum-drum option. Even the helmet stays silver. Boo!! A black helmet with the new logo would have been much better!
A HUNDRED bucks? The saddest thing is how many people are going to pony up that much cash and show up this fall in them.
No thanks... I'll spend $6.95 for one of the leftover Clausen jerseys after he's cut...
I was very disappointed at the price and the lack of style change (considering the hype leading up to the big reveal). I was really excited about getting a new jersey, but now I think I will wait a while and just wear my old one
I know the Reebok ones with the screen printed letters would wear off after a couple years of washing. If, and I repeat, If these are better quality, then it might be worth the $100.
Grown men wearing a jersey of another grown man. Really? Do you wear your cowboy outfit when you go watch a western too?
one day you're wearing some other dude's jersey.....
then you start wearing face paint....
then you turn around a few short years later and wonder what happened to your life, you used to be a man.
you guys are really dumb, if i made the money i can spend it the way i want, i still have my steve smith jersey now going on 6 years, still in great condition.i like to support my team, if you dont like it, that is your problem. my next jersey will be a hornets jersey
But Bernanke tells me that inflation* is only 2%.
* Using an "inflation" metric that counts housing as 25% of its total but excludes food and energy.
There's a reason why the original US Coinage Act prescribed death for devaluing the currency.
I don't wear jerseys...I drive around in my truck/hunt for deer on the weekend/work part time for the fire dept/smoke Marlboro Reds/drink Bud/listen to country music and watch Nascar (which is NOT a sport)...Lol..
Yes that is correct Nascar is not a sport...driving a car does not require athletic ability. It does require skill obviously but so does flying an airplane....
A @ 3:15
I bought my kid a jersey from a chinese website and it arrived and read
true story! buyer beware with those guys!
In China, H cost you more...
less about the logo change and more about the move away from reebok. hate the reebook logo and love the nike logo.
I can't stand people wearing polo shirts. I mean, how big is your man crush on Ralph Lauren?
No jersey is worth $100.
"Tuscaloosa Shines Again"
I laughed out loud at that one....maybe in football, but that is about it my friend.
thanks for all of the articles on the uniform changes....greats sports reporting.
In a word? No.
Not a fan of either Alabama or Auburn...but I did see that game where Alabama (at home) was beating down Auburn 2 years ago, then all of a sudden game over. Auburn wins! No wonder why they hate Cam so much...he drilled them. The man could not lose in college.
In China, Panter Jersey come with Fresh pair of Qiaodans, ten dolla.
I rarely buy professional team attire because it is way over priced. $30 for a hat? No thanks.
Fat, white, bald and middle aged - yeah, you look like Cam! The jersey will just confirm it. Get that autograph pen ready!
In China, Aubama jersey three dolla...
No jersey is worth $100.00
I'll keep wearing my classic Frank Reich and Chad Cota jerseys I got for $5 at Goodwill a few years back.
April 16, 2012 4:47 PM
Auburn paid Alabama a million under the table to lose the game. Fact. Everything that year was a rig including the NCAA title and Heisman win and payoff the NCAA to drop the case. Auburn is a major crook hotbed in sports and always has been. Who wouldnt take millions to throw games or let crooks go free?
Alabama grad 1992
Birmingham, AL
The prices charged for this type of atheletic gear. clothing etc is criminal. Yes, companies and teams must make a profit but this is gouging.
The new Nike jersey is worth $100. If you want to spend $20-$50 online you will get a boot-leg jersey that is stitched but the blue will be Tar Heel blue rather than Panther blue and the #and name will be stitched on crooked. You can support the people selling the fake jerseys online or support your local businesses and local team.
If idiots will pay $100 for a jersey, that is what the company will charge for them.
To all those asking for black helmets, think about this: Would you want to be the one in a black helmet on an 85 degree sunny September / October day in Tampa or Charlotte? Would not be very comfortable.
Anonymous 2:40PM
YOU wouldn't last 50 laps in a Sprint Cup car pulling the G's in the corner and dealing with the heat (over 140 degrees) that is typical in the car. Why don't you look into how much the drivers and pit crews workout before you start talking about what is a "sport"?
That really is one of the most arrogantly ignorant arguments that occur in sports.
Oh, and wearing your driver's hat or t-shirt/jacket/sweatshirt etc... in NASCAR is different from wearing a football jersey how?
I wear both, and for the same reasons!
I will buy one during the playoffs.
"To all those asking for black helmets, think about this: Would you want to be the one in a black helmet on an 85 degree sunny September / October day in Tampa or Charlotte? Would not be very comfortable."
I hear where you're coming from, but they already wear black jerseys. I'm not sure how much hotter a black helmet would be than a silver one. Also I think the home team gets to choose their uniforms, so the Panthers could always go white jerseys early on, and black jerseys (and helmets) when its colder.
These guys are NFL players, if they can make it through two-a-days in 100 degree Spartanburg heat, they can play games in September in them.
Alabama won the national championship a few months ago. The trophy on the other hand?
This should be classified as a Complainment section?
My name is Special Agent John Smith and I'm with the Internet Bullying Task Force. We have the ability to record every person's IP address.
Please feel free to continue to harass and badger other persons that you do not know. That way, we can identify you and submit an arrest warrant for the crime you have committed.
I wear the old jersey until it wears out. At the moment I wear a Delhome autographed jersey to the games. It looks just fine on TV.
Why keep spending money on a fan item? Just a waste.
Probably cost nike $10 or less to make in China.
Anon 9:53
Have a mirror installed in your home.
I think Nike knows a bit more about marketing than a local sports columnist.
Can't go wrong with a 51 Jersey with Mills on the back. His likeness (statue) will never be traded. Currently, he is the only eternal Panther.
Anonymous said...
To all those asking for black helmets, think about this: Would you want to be the one in a black helmet on an 85 degree sunny September / October day in Tampa or Charlotte? Would not be very comfortable.
April 16, 2012 7:01 PM
Pittsburgh multi multi SB's wearing them, and they play away games in the heat also. ATL has to play training camp in GA, hotter than Spartanburg, and plenty games in heat also, Jax even hotter place, and then you can look at the teams that wear navy blue helmets and all the college teams also
You are wrong, but it was an admirable try
I'll trade my Julius Peppers jersey straight up.
i ordered a Williams last July when they were half price for the authentics full stitched it was $150, i was torn between Williams and cam but he didnt know what number he was going to choose so i just ordered Williams recived it in sept, around Christmas time i picked up a newton all stitched for half price $150 bucks
im happy with my rebook the only way i would get another is once they go on clearance i would pick up a nike not sure who thou maybe olsen or smith or even jstew if he is still there
there are there different levels of jerseys just like last year with rebook
1: full screen printed (it will wear off after a few washings)
2: screen printed and sewn ( screen printing will come off but you will still have the stitched on parts
3: full sewn ($$$$ not cheap)
Awesome jersey. I want buy one for me and my son.
Why can't grown men wear a jersey They are the majority of NFL fans and buy the most tickets. I never understood why people think this is such a negative thing. They never say anything about all the Nascar fans wearing all the garb or people wearing T-Shirts that advertise everything under the sun.people spend more than a $100.00 for dinner, a night out or at casino's without blingking an eye and a jersey will last for many years. Also to the "person"who made the "Gay" comment you need to get a clue and grow up.
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