A look at EA Sports Madden 13's version of the Panthers' alternate uniform -- with black pants instead of the usual silver.
Could a video game have broken a small bit of news about the Panthers' uniforms?
It seems quite possible. EA Sports Madden 13 -- which works diligently to be as lifelike as possible -- revealed a different-looking Panthers' "alternate" uniform in this video (check around the 20:00 mark). You'll remember that "Madden 13" was last news around these parts when Cam Newton was campaigning to be on the cover -- he ultimately lost out to Detroit receiver Calvin Johnson (thanks to the alert posters below who informed me of my earlier typo on Johnson's surname).
Now unless you are really into uniforms -- and apparently some of you are, judging from the hit counts on this blog every time I post uniform news -- this isn't a huge deal even if true. The Panthers generally wear their "alternate" blue jerseys only two times a year -- their main jersey colors being black and white. But when they do wear them it has always been with silver pants, not black. (Sometimes, they wear the alternate blue twice in the regular season and a third time in the preseason).
But the Panthers certainly aren't dismissing this notion of blue-and-black together. When I contacted them today for a comment, a spokesman simply said that nothing has been completely decided as of yet. (Remember that Panther owner Jerry Richardson has said the uniforms won't be changing in his lifetime, although this might not count in Richardson's mind as a significant change).
Remember, the Panthers were also "scooped" on their own tweaking of their new logo by Nike's Football Facebook page, which posted a picture of some receivers' gloves with the team's new logo a few months ago.
That led to the Panthers releasing the slightly tweaked logo more quickly than they had planned and to this blog post I wrote, which remains the No.1 blog post all-time on "Scott Says" in terms of hits by a wide margin (I really don't know why).
So given the history, I would say this blue-and-black color combo rumor certainly has a chance to be true, at least, whether it ultimately is true or not. At least on "Madden 13" -- which is scheduled for release in late August -- you'll always be able to see it.
And on another note, if you missed this last week due to vacation or something, the Panthers will have a free and open practice at Bank of America Stadium this Thursday, June 14th, from 11:30 a.m. to 1:20 p.m. More info here.
Calvin Johnsno, one of my favorite players. Calvin Johnson has nothing on him.
I think someone has been watching too much Game of Thrones. "Johnsno, you know nothing!"
Who is Calvin Johnsno? Never heard of him.
I like!!
If you look at the logo (which is reversed)...check out the light blue "eyebrow" above the eye.... Why does the new logo not look like that?? I like the way it looks in the game...the current logo looks like a lazy eye!
Black on Black would look sweet.
Ha...considering it looks like they also made Cam a white guy, I'm not sure how much I would read into this.
Black pants would be awesome! Throw some changes in there. We're not the 49ers, Packers, or Steelers where the same logo/combination are iconic. Tweeks every now and then don't hurt.
Please tweak the uniforms. They need to incorporate black helmets, black jerseys, black pants, all with the Carolina blue. Can you say best unis in the league!
I wouldn't mind this alternate look. Whoever thought light blue jerseys and silver pants was a good idea needs immediate medical attention. And for God sake no black on black. What are we, a high school team?
Black pants with the blue jerseys would be excellent.
Scott? Seriously you dont understand why people care? Obviously because the fans want changes or at least black pants or black helmet... Our mascot is not a white Panther so why would we wear all white??? I agree with other poster you are out of touch...its like the Hornets name we want it and we are paying fans and should get it. All white just never made sense with an all black mascot you dont see Jacksonville with all white
For one, I wish that the Panthers would not wear white jerseys as much as they do at home. Typically the home team wears color. I would like to see both black and blue home jerseys worn with much more frequency. I think it also leads to a little more excitement for the home team.
black pants,white jerseys would look awesome
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